FECIF - The European Federation of Financial Advisers and Financial Intermediaries

Copyright References

The following photographs, graphics and or scripts underlay the copyright of the respective authors/owners:

- NivoSlider ©Gilbert Pellegrom/dev7studios
- Simplicio icons ©Neurovit
- Go Green! Web Icon Set ©Dawghouse Design Studio
- European Commission picture ©Mark Ellison/Flickr
- Woman reading newspaper ©kutaytanir/iStockphoto
- Library ©luoman/iStockphoto
- Group business colleagues ©laflor/iStockphoto
- Stop sign ©macida/iStockphoto
- Balance scale ©kickstand/iStockphoto
- Flags ©sodafish/iStockphoto
- Sliding Boxes ©buildinternet.com





Fédération Européenne des Conseils et Intermédiaires Financiers (FECIF)
Avenue Louise 143/4
B-1050 Brussels

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